Friday, January 16, 2009

Ok time for an update

So, I just wanted to update what all we've been up to since I haven't been on in a bit. Christmas week I was tickling Evan and he was throwing his head back when he laughed and I noticed two white spots in his mouth....Evan has two top molars and they're almost all the way in, surprize!!!! For Christmas we spent our time at Jon's parents house opening presents (I'll post pics later). I made two pies and we had a nice time. I think Evan remembered what presents were from his birthday as he wanted to open everyone's presents, he loved the paper.
Another thing that Evan has really been into is being Mommy's Little Helper. He loves to help with the dishes and some of the cooking. Helping with the dishes he has his own scrub brush and basically stirs the dish water.....he keeps the suds going ha ha ha and he likes to wipe down the counter, he stands on a chair and is very supervised don't worry. He also likes to help me wipe the kitchen floor he gets a plain wet paper towel and I get the stuff with the cleaner on it. He loves to help me make granola since he gets to dump ingredients into the big dish and it doesn't require burners.....not to mention he likes to eat the raisins before they get dumped in. Evan is very handy in the kitchen he opens and closes the cabinets for me, closes the microwave door, the dishwasher door as well, and push the button on the toaster oven.
If I'm doing the laundry he puts things in the washer and dryer for me and closes the dryer door....Evan is great at handing me hangers and pushing the laundry baskets back to the laundry area. He's really funny since he really likes to do this stuff....I'll enjoy it while it lasts as I'm sure in a couple of years he will find his toys more fun than the laundry. Evan's been really into pointing at all sorts of things and going "uh?!?" I then tell him the name of the item and he tries to repeat it back. New words are zebra pronounced "zeezee", monkey is "nkee", shirt sounds like "dirt", cheese is eese, he also says "eek" when he plays peek-a-boo. He also likes to take my brush or Jon's comb and brush his hair. Oh and he can turn on the bath water and unplug the tub. I think that's all for now with Evan's new skills.
A fun thing that he does that absolutely cracks me up everyday is when he's done with his bath I help him climb out and dry off and then he runs squealing out of the bathroom and runs around the apartment. He loves it!!!! He'll go and get his diaper and pj's for me but then I have to catch him and he's not a fan of getting dressed....

1 comment:

J. Hickman said...

Such a big helper, hope we can get the boys together sometime this year!