Thursday, February 19, 2009

Evan/Dr's/Alllergic Reactions

Ok so it has been a crazy week or so.....
So, I thought that Evan was getting an ear infection on Tuesday the 10th and he was going to the Dr for his 15 month check up, a month late since our Dr was out having surgery herself, the next day so I wasn't too worried about it. I was right and it was an ear infection so she prescribed Amoxicillin and as Evan hasn't had to have antibiotics yet we didn't know if he was allergic to anything. Wednesday the 16 and Thursday Evan pretty much slept all day except for 2 hours!!!! By Friday he had a 102 fever and was unable to stand up, walk, sit up so I took him to the Dr again...the poor boy had his ear drum burst in his left ear with puss draining out and now had an outer and inner infection that looked almost as bad as the I had the pleasure of holding Evan while two nurses teamed up on him and have him a shot in each leg at the same time. At this appointment I also mentioned that he had only 1 wet diaper each day and was actually drinking a lot of fluids, I keep a cup of water in his crib with him and I had to refill it and when he was up he was sucking down a ton of fluids.
By Saturday he seemed to be doing much better. Sunday rolls around and Evan seems like he's in a lot of pain and keep screaming out and grabbing at his crotch....he had a diaper rash that had popped up and so I thought that it was really irritating him and so I took a peek to see if the layer of Desitin was still there and it was....then he started to urinate but it was forced and he started to scream and grab at himself so I called the hospital to talk to a nurse. She said to bring him in immediately when I told her about what all had been going on. The ER Dr didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong and said he'd get a urine sample so he put this U bag on him to catch it. After over an hour he still hadn't gone and the Dr came in and took off the bag and told me it was nothing and sent me home.....I was frustrated with this since the nurse I had talked to mentioned checking to see if his bladder was full and things since he's also having other problems with his boy parts and has a urologist appointment for the 25th.
So by the next day Evan has a low grade fever and still isn't eating much but was awake more of the day. Tuesday he woke up with a couple of dots on his face and still hadn't had much of a wet diaper and now has a runny nose and cough....I figure he's on antibiotics and this is viral if its a cold so I continue to alternate Tylenol and Motrin and give him his antibiotics. Today Evan has a head to toe rash that is blistering, a fever of 102, is in pain when he's touched or touching anything, has diarrhea, flu like symptoms and over all is a wreck. So, thanks to my mom pointing this out, he's probably having a reaction so I google the problem. Sure enough that's what's going on....I figured that since it took over a week for the rash to show up that it couldn't have been a reaction to the antibiotics....
The first thing that caught my eye on the list of things was the lack of urination or struggling to urinate, diarrhea....I was feeling really frustrated with the ER Dr since I figured that he should've caught that and that it could've kept it from getting to the point where he is now with his eyes almost swollen shut, watery and goopy and in a lot of physical pain....Here's the moral of my really long blog....go with your gut if you feel like something is really wrong with your child and you don't feel like your Dr is giving you the time of day or flat out makes fun of you to your face....go elsewhere for a second opinion....I felt so stupid by the time I left the ER Sunday and really upset....a Dr isn't a good one if they make you feel this way at all. That and research side effects and pay attention to the odd ones like Evan not being able to urinate....if I had gotten decent sleep and wasn't up all night with a sick baby, Jon's working overnights, I might've thought things through better.
This has been a bad experience and a learning experience and I have been trying to not think I'm a bad parent since I did do what I could think of at the time....but with a baby who has been in a lot of physical pain and who wants to be held but who hurts when touched its definitely a sad feeling.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wow....My Little Problem Solver

So Friday afternoon Evan and I were having our usual play session when he pulled out all his puzzle type toys....His geometric shaped blocks with the bucket with the shapes in the lid, his farm animal puzzle and his stacking rings. He's always played with them but not really figured them out 100%. He started putting his blocks in the correct holes all by himself, stacked his rings in the correct order, then proceeded to get his puzzle pieces matched up like before but actually turned them so that they fit correctly!!!!! I have attempted to show him how those toys all work and never really thought he was paying any attention to what I was doing since he usually moved on to his own thing so I was really impressed. He then went and grabbed my water cup, put the straw in his mouth and managed to suck out the water!!!!! He's never figured that out before he'd usually get hold of it and chew on my straw. He made a big mess but it was water so no biggie and it made me laugh since he was smiling this gigantic smile and laughing when he'd get water in his mouth. The other thing that was fun that afternoon was that he started to spin himself in a circle so I started to sing the first song that popped into my head, " Ring Around the Rosie," and after joining him and sitting down at the, "we all fall down," part Evan started to "fall down" with me and would laugh and laugh. Gosh he's getting so big lately and I mean that in every sense of the word as he's maturing and learning at a really fast rate.

Our other thing that we've all been going through for a while now are Evan getting his molars....its a family affair as we all share in the pain. This is not so much a fun milestone to hit. We thought all the other teeth were bad but this makes me feel really bad for Evan. He's been eating very little food and I don't blame him; his gums are really red and swollen and we're still waiting to see the center part of the two top molars. Right now he has the outer and inner edge through the gum and I can tell that he's feeling a bit better since his appetite is improving and he's starting to eat more than yogurt, soft fruit and applesauce. I have been giving him an extra bottle of milk a day since it soothes him and to help him get some more calories. He's been drooling like a St. Bernard through this go round of teeth and I hope that the bottom two are less painful for him and less disruptive to all our sleep, eating and may we have less crying....poor baby boy!!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oops 1st Summersault

So yesterday Evan was walking around at a rapid pace and dropped his pacifier....he had gone slightly past it and instead of turning around reached backwards through his legs for it....needless to say he's not quite coordinated enough to pull that off and did a summersault....he laughed rolled over and went on his merry way lol....
So Evan got his height/weight checked at WIC yesterday and he's 27 lbs and 37 in tall his weight is still in the 76% but his height is in the 96%....I have been spending a lot of time reorganizing his closet and repacking all of his baby clothes. He's grown soooo much lately its hard to keep him in clothes longer than a week or two. He's in 2T-4T clothes and is a toddler size 6 shoe for the moment but I think he'll be out of those really quickly as they're already a tighter fit. Thank You so much Ann and Robert for all your hand-me-downs with Evan growing so fast we would've been hard pressed to keep up with the proper sized clothes and shoes it really has helped tremendously over the last 15 mos!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ok time for an update

So, I just wanted to update what all we've been up to since I haven't been on in a bit. Christmas week I was tickling Evan and he was throwing his head back when he laughed and I noticed two white spots in his mouth....Evan has two top molars and they're almost all the way in, surprize!!!! For Christmas we spent our time at Jon's parents house opening presents (I'll post pics later). I made two pies and we had a nice time. I think Evan remembered what presents were from his birthday as he wanted to open everyone's presents, he loved the paper.
Another thing that Evan has really been into is being Mommy's Little Helper. He loves to help with the dishes and some of the cooking. Helping with the dishes he has his own scrub brush and basically stirs the dish water.....he keeps the suds going ha ha ha and he likes to wipe down the counter, he stands on a chair and is very supervised don't worry. He also likes to help me wipe the kitchen floor he gets a plain wet paper towel and I get the stuff with the cleaner on it. He loves to help me make granola since he gets to dump ingredients into the big dish and it doesn't require burners.....not to mention he likes to eat the raisins before they get dumped in. Evan is very handy in the kitchen he opens and closes the cabinets for me, closes the microwave door, the dishwasher door as well, and push the button on the toaster oven.
If I'm doing the laundry he puts things in the washer and dryer for me and closes the dryer door....Evan is great at handing me hangers and pushing the laundry baskets back to the laundry area. He's really funny since he really likes to do this stuff....I'll enjoy it while it lasts as I'm sure in a couple of years he will find his toys more fun than the laundry. Evan's been really into pointing at all sorts of things and going "uh?!?" I then tell him the name of the item and he tries to repeat it back. New words are zebra pronounced "zeezee", monkey is "nkee", shirt sounds like "dirt", cheese is eese, he also says "eek" when he plays peek-a-boo. He also likes to take my brush or Jon's comb and brush his hair. Oh and he can turn on the bath water and unplug the tub. I think that's all for now with Evan's new skills.
A fun thing that he does that absolutely cracks me up everyday is when he's done with his bath I help him climb out and dry off and then he runs squealing out of the bathroom and runs around the apartment. He loves it!!!! He'll go and get his diaper and pj's for me but then I have to catch him and he's not a fan of getting dressed....