Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Long Lost Orange City Hospital Pics

So I finally got the Orange City Hospital pictures off of the memory stick and onto my computer so that I could upload them and I'm really excited to share them finally. After Evan was born as you all know things didn't go anywhere close to how we'd planned and so these just got a little lost in the madness. These were taken the day before Evan had to transported to the NICU and as you can see he was a seemingly healthy, happy little baby boy, that's how fast things went down hill within the next 12 hours.

During those first many days I was stuck in my bed due to my condition and I absolutely loved having him in my bed with me. The staff let me have him in my bed 24/7 and so we got in lots of cuddle time, kisses and little bonding was really nice since once we got to the NICU I wasn't supposed to hold him unless I was feeding him....I bent the rules a little bit on that one as I just couldn't imagine not holding my sweet little baby Evan James.....

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