Sunday, December 21, 2008

Orange City Pics Contd....

So the pictures take up a lot of my space in my blog so here are the rest....I absolutely love this picture of his little feet....he was so tiny I can't believe he was ever so small since he's stayed in the 97 percentile for height since shortly after he came home from the NICU.

The Long Lost Orange City Hospital Pics

So I finally got the Orange City Hospital pictures off of the memory stick and onto my computer so that I could upload them and I'm really excited to share them finally. After Evan was born as you all know things didn't go anywhere close to how we'd planned and so these just got a little lost in the madness. These were taken the day before Evan had to transported to the NICU and as you can see he was a seemingly healthy, happy little baby boy, that's how fast things went down hill within the next 12 hours.

During those first many days I was stuck in my bed due to my condition and I absolutely loved having him in my bed with me. The staff let me have him in my bed 24/7 and so we got in lots of cuddle time, kisses and little bonding was really nice since once we got to the NICU I wasn't supposed to hold him unless I was feeding him....I bent the rules a little bit on that one as I just couldn't imagine not holding my sweet little baby Evan James.....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Evan's new skills

So I officially have some pictures of Evan walking unassisted and now he's already trying to run though he usually gets a couple of feet and down he goes but he get right back up and keeps going. He hasn't crawled in days now unless he's getting something from under a chair that he dropped.

His other new thing that he loves to do now is stand on his head he does it everywhere and he laughs if you look upside down with him and he can see you. He even tries to do it on the couch but its something I'm trying to discourage as he, like Jon and I, lack in coordination ha ha ha.

Sorry about the odd placement of the pictures I clicked where I wanted them but they didn't end up there...if anyone has some experience with blogspot and can help me with that I'd love some help......

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ok so this tme I'm going to give it a shot

Ok so this is my second blog and its taken me over a year to get back on to blogspot....I kept on having problems with posting my pictures and things so I gave up.....this time I'm going to try to stick with it as I've been blogging on my MySpace page and not many people I know there get to see it.
So here's an update for every one.....
Evan has finally started taking his first steps without holding on to things although crawling or a push toy is his prefered mode of transportation as its much faster. I think that by Christmas he'll feel less fearful of letting go of things and his confidence in himself will be much higher. Its funny because if you give him a toy in each hand or his hands are full he has absolutely no problem walking without assistance but if his hands are empty he crawls or grabs a push toy. I think that holding something regardless of whether or not it actually gives him any support makes him feel secure.

He's been eating with a fork and spoon for a couple of weeks now and is pretty darn good at it. Its messy going with the spoon as its uaually applesauce or yogurt that he's eating and he'll rotate the spoon upside down and dump the contents all over himself but he's getting better. We are working on getting him into a booster seat at the table so that he can feel more like a big boy at meal times so that should happen this week hopefully.